Come, King of Nations - Micah 4:13-5:7 | Waiting in Worship
Summary: During our Christmas Eve service, we conclude our series on the seven prayers from the hymn, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel." We reflect on Jesus' advent as the King of the Nations.
Text: Micah 4:13–5:7
Title: Come, King of the Nations
Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis
Date: December 24
Title: Come, Emmanuel
Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis
Date: December 22
Come, Emmanuel - Isaiah 7:1-14 | Waiting in Worship
Summary: The “O Emmanuel” Antiphon reads: “O Emmanuel, our king and our lawgiver, the hope of the nations and their Savior; Come and save us, O Lord our God.” This ancient Christian prayer and the passage it comes from confronts us with the covenant-keeping God--and the lengths he will go to compel our trust in him.
Text: Isaiah 7:1-14
Title: Come, Emmanuel
Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis
Date: December 22
Come, Dayspring - Malachi 3:16-4:3 | Waiting in Worship
Summary: The “O Oriens” Antiphon reads: “O Dayspring, splendor of light eternal and sun of righteousness: Come and enlighten those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.” This ancient Christian prayer and the passage it comes from confronts us with the darkness of human experience apart from the intervention and self-revelation of God. So how do we cultivate faith in the dark as we wait for the dawn? By believing that Jesus is the sunrise of our vindication, restoration, and celebration.
Text: Malachi 3:16-4:3
Title: Come, Dayspring: Cultivating Faith in the Dark as We Wait for the Dawn
Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis
Date: December 15
Come, Key of David - Isaiah 22:20–25, Rev. 1:12-20, 3:7-9 | Waiting in Worship
Summary: The “O Clavis” Antiphon reads: “O Key of David, O Royal Power of Israel controlling at your will the gate of heaven; come break down the prison walls of death for those who dwell in darkness and the shadows of death; and lead your captive people into freedom.” This ancient Christian prayer and the passage it comes from reminds us that Jesus unlocks our days and our destiny.
Text: Isaiah 22:20–25, Rev. 1:12-20, 3:7-9
Title: Come, Key of David
Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis
Date: December 8
Come, Root of David - Isaiah 10:33-11:12 | Waiting in Worship
Summary: As we continue in our study of the 7 prayers in the hymn, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel," we look deeper into Jesus' coming as the Root of David.
Text: Isaiah 10:33-11:12
Title: Come, Root of David
Speaking: Chris Eaves
Date: December 1
Come, O Lord: The Freedom-Bringing Lord - Exodus 2:23-3:15 | Waiting in Worship
Summary: The second Antiphon reads: “O Sacred Lord of Ancient Israel—Who showed yourself to Moses in the burning bush Who gave him the holy law on Sinai Mountain—Come, stretch out your mighty hand to set us free.” This second of seven ancient Christian prayers and the passage it comes from confront us with the misery of mankind, the mercy of God in our misery, and the reality that Jesus is the Freedom-bringing Lord who knows our misery and responds in mercy.
Text: Exodus 2:23-3:15
Title: Come, O Lord: Misery, Mercy, and the Freedom-Bringing Lord
Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis
Date: November 24
Come Wisdom of God - Isaiah 40:12-31 | Waiting in Worship
Summary: “O Come, Wisdom from on high.” The first of seven prayers for Advent and the passage it comes from remind us that Jesus is the wisdom of God; and it calls us to worship him while we wait for him.
Text: Isaiah 40:12-31
Title: Jesus, the Wisdom of God
Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis
Date: November 17