Repentance, the Doorway to a Bliss | Daniel 9:20-27

Sermon Summary: Daniel 9:20-27 is one of the most complex and crucial passages in the entire book and perhaps in the OT as a whole. But it’s all in the context of an answer to Daniel’s prayer. Weaving together themes of covenant, exodus, and temple, God opens up his plans for a Jubilee to the 10th degree for his people.

Text: Daniel 9:20-27

Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis

Date: 11/26/2023

Title: A Complicated Answer to Prayer

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Darius, Jeremiah, Daniel An Interesting Intercession | Daniel 9:1-19

Sermon Summary: Daniel 9 is a challenging passage, but too often, we focus on the last half and ignore the first half. In Daniel’s intercessory prayer, we discover the deepest problem of the human condition, and God’s solution for it.

Text: Daniel 9:1-19

Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis

Date: 11/19/2023

Title: Darius, Jeremiah, Daniel: An Interesting Intercession

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The Son of Man | Daniel 7

Sermon Summary: In Daniel 7 our eyes are opened to a vision of four temporary worldly empires, stirring our longing for the everlasting Kingdom of the Most High to be established. How, then, do we live in the midst of opposition and worldly powers as we long for the coming of the Son of Man, the Ancient of Days?

Text: Daniel 7

Speaking: Bob Thune

Date: 11/5

Title: The Son of Man

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Stand Alone Sermons Will Dragoo Stand Alone Sermons Will Dragoo

Our Glorious Inheritance | 1 Peter 1:3-9

Sermon Summary: How do we live within our new reality as believers in Christ, especially amidst a world focused on the here and now? Peter helps us here by instructing us to first recognize our new reality as Christians, focus on our glorious inheritance, and walk in a precious and active faith.

Text: 1 Peter 1:3-9 (CSV)

Speaking: Will Dragoo

Date: 10/22

Title: Our Glorious Inheritance

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As Prey in the Pit with the Predators | Daniel 6:1-28

Sermon Summary: In Daniel 6, a follower of God finds himself as prey in a pit, hounded by predators, some of them the two-legged, human kind. What can we learn from this story about the plans and purposes of God?

Text: Daniel 6:1-28

Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis

Date: 10/15/2023

Title: As Prey in the Pit with the Predators

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When Private and Public Spirituality Collide | Daniel 5:31-6:10

Sermon Summary: When we face the immense cultural pressure to adopt the world’s priorities, allegiances, and practices of worship, how should followers of God respond? What should our posture and expectations be? And is there hope for the “worst case”? Daniel 3 helps us answer these sorts of questions.

Text: Daniel 3

Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis

Date: 09/17/2023

Title: Bow or Burn

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Nebuchadnezzer: | Daniel 4

Sermon Summary: When we face the immense cultural pressure to adopt the world’s priorities, allegiances, and practices of worship, how should followers of God respond? What should our posture and expectations be? And is there hope for the “worst case”? Daniel 3 helps us answer these sorts of questions.

Text: Daniel 3

Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis

Date: 09/17/2023

Title: Bow or Burn

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Bow or Burn | Daniel 3

Sermon Summary: When we face the immense cultural pressure to adopt the world’s priorities, allegiances, and practices of worship, how should followers of God respond? What should our posture and expectations be? And is there hope for the “worst case”? Daniel 3 helps us answer these sorts of questions.

Text: Daniel 3

Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis

Date: 09/17/2023

Title: Bow or Burn

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Stand Alone Sermons Guest Speaker Stand Alone Sermons Guest Speaker

I Will Build My Church | Matthew 16:13-20

Sermon Summary: Who do we say Jesus is? In Matthew 16:13-20, Peter confesses that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. When we truly understand this confession as a gift from God, we see the beauty of the gospel and the hope of Christ building his church challenges us to live differently.

Text: Matthew 16:13-20

Speaking: Matt Gray

Date: 09/3/2023

Title: I Will Build My Church

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Thriving as a Sojourner | Daniel 1

Sermon Summary: Similar to Daniel and his friends deported to Babylon, we live as sojourners in a complex and confusing culture. How do we maintain our integrity and loyalty to God? How do we survive, and even thrive, in the world? Daniel 1 offers us some comfort and encouragement to Thrive as Sojourners.

Text: Daniel 1

Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis

Date: 08/27/23

Title: Thriving as a Sojourner

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Meet the Book of Daniel | 2 Chronicles 36:5-21, Daniel 1:1-3

Sermon Summary: Meet the book of Daniel! It’s a literary masterpiece, a history book, a story book, a prophetic and apocalyptic book, a theological book, a Christ-revealing book, and a practical book. We need God’s help to read it like a book, understanding its context, enjoying the stories, expecting to be stretched, worshipping him, looking for Jesus, and engaging our head, hands, and heart.

Text: 2 Chronicles 36:5-21, Daniel 1:1-3

Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis

Date: 08/20/23

Title: Meet the Book of Daniel

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Stand Alone Sermons Isaiah Lewis Stand Alone Sermons Isaiah Lewis

God’s Heart for the Nations | Matthew 28:16-20

Sermon Summary: Matthew 28:16-20 is well-known as the Great Commission. But do we understand what it tells us about God’s heart for the nations? And where do we stand in our fulfillment of it? And does our heart for the nations reflect God’s heart for the nations?

Text: Matthew 28:16-20

Speaking: Pastor Isaiah Lewis

Date: 08/13/2023

Title: God’s Heart for the Nations

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Summer in the Psalms 2023 Nick Pacurari Summer in the Psalms 2023 Nick Pacurari

An Invitation for a Weary Soul| Psalm 23

Sermon Summary: Psalm 23 reminds us that Yahweh provides restoration for the weather-beaten soul. This psalm distinctly presents Yahweh as a good shepherd and gracious host. These themes point us to the Greater One, Jesus, who extends a new life of hope and restoration.

Text: Psalm 23

Speaking: Pastor Nick Pacurari

Date: 07/23/2023

Title: An Invitation for the Weary Soul

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